* | quran | * | 107. al-ma`un. the daily necessaries      <   > 

1.  *     Have you seen the one who denies the Day of Judgment?[1]
2.  *     He it is who drives  away the orphan with harshness[2]
3.  *     and does not encourage the feeding of the  poor.[3]
4.  *     So woe to those who offer Salah (prayers),[4]
5.  *     but are neglectful of their  Salah (offer Prayers but disregard the very purpose of establishing Salah - to have  the fear of Allah and be mindful to the needs of other people);[5]
6.  *     those who make a  show of piety[6]
7.  *     and refuse to share the necessities of life.[7]